What are the aviation code words?

What are the aviation code words? The ICAO phonetic alphabet has assigned the 26 code words to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

What do pilots say right before takeoff?

How do pilots request takeoff? “Tower, (your call sign,) ready at Runway XX.” Example: “Columbus Tower, Cessna 527 Tango Mike, ready at Runway 23.” Or, “Tower, (your call sign,) holding short of Runway XX.”

Do pilots speak in code?

Pilots use the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Phonetic Alphabet to communicate. Pilots never pronounce letters when they are transmitting to Air Traffic Control, and vice-versa. Instead, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a code word to represent the letter.

What is the squawk code 7777?

Some squawk codes are reserved, such as 7700 (emergency), 7600 (communication failure), 7500 (hijacking), 1202 (glider), 1200 (VFR), etc. One of these, 7777, is apparently used for military interception. What does this mean in the United States?

What means squawk 7500?

Squawking 7500 signifies an aircraft being hijacked and could result in an aircraft being escorted by military forces.

What do pilots say to ATC before takeoff?

A Proper Takeoff Call First, let them know who you are, where you are, and then what you'd like to do. Try to give them as much information as possible so they can plan appropriately.

Why do pilots say souls on board?

The number of “souls” on an aircraft refers to the total living bodies on the plane: every passenger, pilot, flight attendant and crew member, according to Lord-Jones. Pilots often report the number of “souls” when declaring an emergency, she says, so rescuers know the amount of people to search for.

What does squawk 1200 mean?

For example, 1200 in the USA means that the flight is flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and is not typically in direct contact with ATC. 1200 is a shared code so you may see many aircraft transmitting it at the same time in a given area.

Why do pilots say blue?

The callout from the pilots like LOC blue serves to remind themselves of the current flight guidance modes, and to maintain awareness of mode changes. This is also to ensure that their mental idea of what the aircraft will do next is up to date and fits to the current flight situation.

What does squawk 7000 mean?

7000. ICAO. VFR standard squawk code when no other code has been assigned. EASA countries. Code that pilot shall set when not receiving air traffic services, unless otherwise prescribed by the competent authority.

What does squawk 7600 mean?

Code 7600. Code 7600 is the code for a loss of radio. If a pilot's radio goes out during a fight, they can enter 7600 into the transponder. Then they should proceed to their intended airport following a standard landing plan. Pilots should be extra careful and on alert for other aircraft around them in the sky.

What does squawk 2000 mean?

Series 20 — Code 2000 is to recognize an aircraft that has not received instructions from the air traffic control units to operate the transponder.