What are the airspace colors?

What are the airspace colors?

Types of Airspace by Color
  • Grey Airplane or Helicopter icon with no color surrounding = Class G uncontrolled airspace. ...
  • Dark Blue = Class B controlled airspace. ...
  • Purple = Class C controlled airspace. ...
  • Light Blue = Class D controlled airspace. ...
  • Green = Class E2 controlled airspace. ...
  • Controlled airspace where LAANC is not available.

What is the most common airspace?

Most airspace in the United States is class E. The airspace above FL600 is also class E. No ATC clearance or radio communication is required for VFR flight in class E airspace. VFR visibility and cloud clearance requirements are the same as for class C and D airspaces when below 10,000 feet (3,000 m) MSL.

What is the highest class of airspace?

Airspace at any altitude over FL600 (60,000 MSL) (the ceiling of Class A airspace) is designated Class E airspace. The U.S. does not use ICAO Class F. Class G (uncontrolled) airspace is mostly used for a small layer of airspace near the ground, but there are larger areas of Class G airspace in remote regions.

What airspace is above Class A?

Class E airspace typically extends up to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL (the lower limit of Class A airspace). All airspace above FL 600 is Class E airspace. Uncontrolled airspace or Class G airspace is the portion of the airspace that has not been designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E.

What is Class G on a flight?

Class G airspace (uncontrolled) is that portion of airspace that has not been designated as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E airspace. VFR Requirements. Rules governing VFR flight have been adopted to assist the pilot in meeting the responsibility to see and avoid other aircraft.

What airspace is yellow?

Airspaces colored yellow on the map will also be colored yellow in the airspace advisory bar on the right (desktop) or below (mobile). This indicates that drones may be allowed in this airspace but to first check the airspace advisory bar for further detail and to use caution during operations in this airspace.

What color is Class C airspace?

Class C Airspace (Mandatory Radar) A shelf area with an outer radius of 10 nautical miles surrounds the core area. It extends from 1200 feet AGL to 4000 feet AGL. The airspace is depicted on charts as 2 concentric magenta circles.

What is required to fly in Class A airspace?

Requirements to fly in Class A Airspace: An altitude-encoding transponder. An instrument rating and IFR flight plan. An aircraft that is appropriately equipped for instrument flight.

What are the 5 special use airspace?

Warning areas, MOAs, alert areas, CFAs, and national security areas (NSA) are nonregulatory special use airspace. Special use airspace descriptions (except CFAs) are contained in FAA Order JO 7400.10, Special Use Airspace.

What is the lowest class airspace?

Class G airspace includes all airspace below 14,500 feet (4,400 m) MSL not otherwise classified as controlled. There are no entry or clearance requirements for class G airspace, even for IFR operations.

Where is Class G airspace?

Class G is usually found below 1,200 feet where Class E airspace typically starts, although there are of course exceptions. Class G is more prevalent and may be found at lower altitudes in less dense areas of the country where IFR operations are less common.

What is Class C and D airspace?

Class C airspace is used around airports with a moderate traffic level. Class D is used for smaller airports that have a control tower. The U.S. uses a modified version of the ICAO class C and D airspace, where only radio contact with ATC rather than an ATC clearance is required for VFR operations.