What are the 5 C's on a missed approach?

What are the 5 C's on a missed approach? I've heard the “5 Cs” of the missed approach as a good memory aid—Cram (all levers forward), Climb (pitch up to approximately 8 degrees), Clean (flaps and gear retracted), Cool (open the cowl flaps) and finally, Course (turn the correct direction).

What is the difference between MDA and DA?

Decision Altitude In practical terms, that means approaches with a glide slope (ILS), and approaches with a glide path (LPV, LNAV/VNAV). DA's are different than MDAs. MDAs are absolute floors, but when flying to a DA, you make your continue-to-land or go missed decision at DA, while you remain on the glideslope.

What is the pave checklist?

The PAVE checklist is a great way to evaluate your personal minimums and hazards you could experience when flying. Each letter stands for a different risk when flying; Personal/Pilot, Aircraft, EnVironment, and External Pressures. These are the factors a pilot must take into account when making their decision to fly.