What are the 4 basic flight controls?

What are the 4 basic flight controls? Aircraft flight control systems consist of primary and secondary systems. The ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder constitute the primary control system and are required to control an aircraft safely during flight.

What are the 7 phases of flight?

Phases of Flight
  • Phases of Flight :
  • Pre-departure. This is the preparation time for flight. ...
  • Clearance to Taxi. ...
  • Take-off. ...
  • Initial climb. ...
  • Climb to cruise altitude. ...
  • Cruise altitude. ...
  • Descent.

What are the 4 fundamentals of flight?

The four fundamentals (straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents) are the principal maneuvers that control the airplane through the six motions of flight.