What are the 10 smallest countries?

What are the 10 smallest countries?

What are the top 10 smallest countries?
  • Vatican City (0.19 square miles)
  • Monaco (0.78 square miles)
  • Nauru (8.1 square miles)
  • Tuvalu (10 square miles)
  • San Marino (24 square miles)
  • Liechtenstein (62 square miles)
  • Marshall Islands (70 square miles)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (101 square miles)

What is the richest country in Europe?

Luxembourg is the wealthiest country in the European Union, per capita, and its citizens enjoy a high. It is a major center for large private banking, and its finance sector is the biggest contributor to its economy. The country's main trading partners are Germany, France and Belgium.

How many countries in Europe?

There are 44 countries in Europe today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics).

What is the largest country in Europe?

Russia, the largest country in Europe and the world, ranks first, with a total area of 17,098,242 km². Ukraine ranks second largest country in Europe, with 603,500 km², followed by France with 551,695 km², Spain with 505,992 km², and Sweden with 450,295 km².