What are people looking for with flashlights on Orange Beach?

What are people looking for with flashlights on Orange Beach? At night, you'll see people taking flashlights to the beach. They're out there because you can spot crabs making their way across the sand. However, the light from your flashlight may confuse sea turtles who think it's moonlight, causing them to head in the wrong direction.

Why are there no flashlights on the beach at night?

At night, you'll see people taking flashlights to the beach. They're out there because you can spot crabs making their way across the sand. However, the light from your flashlight may confuse sea turtles who think it's moonlight, causing them to head in the wrong direction.

Can you drink beer on the beach in Gulf Shores?

Prohibited Items and Actions on Gulf Shores Public Beaches No glass or breakable containers. No alcoholic beverages. No tents / canopies larger than 7'x7'x4' unless they are placed in a designated tent area.

Why do people use red flashlights on the beach?

Regular white lights can be distracting to newly hatched sea turtles and can deter them from finding their way into the ocean. It is strongly suggested that red-lights or orange-lights are used after dark.

Can you smoke a joint at the beach?

Smoking and vaping any products, including cannabis, are not allowed in public areas of buildings and most workplaces. Other areas where smoking and vaping are not allowed include, but are not limited to, restaurants, bars and public spaces like parks and beaches.