What are 3 popular countries in Europe?

What are 3 popular countries in Europe?

The Top 10 Most Visited Countries in Europe
  • France – 89.4 million visitors. ...
  • Spain – 82.7 million visitors. ...
  • Italy – 62.1 million visitors. ...
  • Germany – 38.8 million visitors. ...
  • United Kingdom – 36.3 million visitors. ...
  • Austria – 30.8 million visitors. ...
  • Greece – 30.1 million visitors. ...
  • Portugal – 22.8 million visitors.

What is Europe famous for?

Europe has a long history of human development and is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization. Today, this cultural wealth is used to solidify the European Community and is exported to the rest of the world as one of the continent's greatest global assets.

What is the most beautiful country in Europe 2023?

Greece. Greece is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe; it also offers one of the best climates to enjoy the sun all year round. The country ranks #1 most searched countries 2023. The beauties and riches of Greece are numerous, the country offers activities for all.

What is the least visited country in Europe?

Liechtenstein: For quiet mountain exploring
This petite sliver of a country sits nestled in the mountains between Switzerland and Austria. Being so small it has no airport of its own, but access via road or rail from surrounding countries is a breeze. Despite this, it's Europe's least visited country.