What are 2 features of a medieval town?

What are 2 features of a medieval town? The medieval towns were surrounded by a moat and walls made of stone or brick. The walls had towers, round or square, designed both for defense and as a decoration. Nuremberg for example had more than eighty. Access in town was permitted only through the vaulted access gates which were closed at night.

What is the most important feature of a medieval castle?

Walls and towers Thick stone walls and tall towers kept the castle's inhabitants safe from attack, even when an enemy army besieged (surrounded) the castle.

What are 3 features of a medieval castle?

The typical features of a medieval castle were: Moat - a perimeter ditch with or without water. Barbican - a fortification to protect a gate. Curtain Walls & Towers - the perimeter defensive wall.

What is one feature of a medieval castle?

Features of Castles A drawbridge could be lowered to allow people to cross over the moat into the castle, and the drawbridge would be raised to keep others out. In the center of the castle, the keep was a special tower designed to be the safest place within the castle walls. Food was often stored in the keep.

What were the main features of a castle?

external features - such as towers battlements, thick walls, a moat, a drawbridge, etc. internal features - such as a well, large stores to guard against siege, a hall for everyone to socialise.