What all happened at Jacobs well?

What all happened at Jacobs well? On one occasion in the Gospels, Jesus had a conversation with a Samaritan woman by a well – Jacob's Well. This well was already a sacred site at the time of Jesus, since Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, and his family and livestock drank from it.

Does Jacobs well have a bottom?

The well takes an initial plunge through 23 feet of well-lit water to an apparent bottom, but then it veers off into a descent of increasing darkness. I visited with Gregg Tatum who has logged over 250 dives there. He says it is no place for a novice.

Has Jacobs well been fully explored?

About Jacob's Well The settlers didn't dive into it, of course, but treated it instead as a drinking fountain and later used it to power a saw mill. They named it Jacob's Well because of its biblical magnificence. Since the well was discovered, at least 4,500 feet of it has been explored.

Has anyone been in the fourth chamber of Jacobs well?

After about a dozen divers drowned trying to explore the bottom of Jacob's Well, the fourth chamber was finally sealed up for good.