What airlines allow tattoos?

What airlines allow tattoos? Several carriers have relaxed their rules to allow visible tattoos so long as they are deemed “not offensive.” United and Alaska Airlines are two examples–both have a “badge rule”–your ink cannot be larger than your uniform's badge.

Do Easyjet allow tattoos?

Tattoos are allowed, but there should be no visible tattoos on the head, face, or neck. Any tattoos that are considered offensive or inappropriate must be discreetly covered. Similarly, piercings that cannot be covered discreetly are not permitted.

Do airlines let pilots have tattoos?

Common Airline Tattoo Policy Most airlines have a similar policy when it comes to tattoos. They allow pilot tattoos as long as they are not visible while on duty and do not contain any offensive content. This means that any tattoos on the hands, neck, or face must be covered up while on duty.

Is Qatar Airways strict with scars?

Is Qatar Airways strict about scars? They are strict when it comes to everything. They are very strict especially when it comes to the face. If candidates have deep scars, visible scars, deep moles, large moles or whatever mark they have on their face, they get rejected for that.

Does Qatar Airways allow tattoos?

Unfortunately, despite the massive progress in how people with tattoos are perceived around the globe, most international carriers still do not allow their flight attendants to have any visible tattoos. They explain the decision with the need to project a certain image and maintain a professional appearance.

Can I work for a airline if I have tattoos?

American Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Easyjet, Southwest and Delta Airlines allow employees to have tattoos so long as they cover it up using bandage or makeup.