What age group uses public transport the most?

What age group uses public transport the most? Age - Of all transit riders, 79% fall into the most economically active age range from 25 to 54. The balance are divided between those younger than 25 (14%) and those in the age range generally thought of as the retirement years, 65 or older.

Do Millennials use public transportation?

Findings suggest that millennials are more likely to use public transit than older cohorts. Moreover, the results suggest that cohort differences, which tend to persist over time, and not life cycle effects, are responsible for greater use of public transit by millennials.

How many Millennials use public transportation?

In total, 45% of Millennials use public transportation at least occasionally, while the same is true for only 33% of Gen Xers, for comparison.

Who is more likely to use public transportation?

Although patterns differ somewhat on the basis of whether an area is a “transit-heavy metro area” or not, in general, some groups rely more on public transportation for commuting than others, including women, young adults (those ages 25–29), Black workers, and low-income workers.

What is the millennials preferred mode of transportation?

Millennials also show different attitudes and behaviors toward travel modes compared to Generation Xers (Blumenberg et al. 2016; Kuhnimhof et al. 2012). They show higher preferences for walking and transit than the previous generations (Blumenberg et al.

Do Gen Z travel more?

More than half (52 percent) of Gen Z adults are considered frequent travelers, meaning they take at least three leisure trips over the previous year (Morning Consult Pro)

What percentage of Americans use public transport?

Nationally, a 2016 Pew Research Center survey found that 11 percent of Americans take public transportation at least weekly, and 21 percent of urban residents use it regularly.

What is the most used public transportation in the US?

From the subway to buses, streetcars, and ferries, public transit networks in the United States offer a variety of travel options. The most widely used form of public transport in the United States is buses, which account for nearly half of all public transit trips.

Why do most people use public transportation?

It is a lifeline for millions of Americans connecting them to people, places and possibilities. It also builds thriving communities, creates jobs, eases traffic congestion and promotes a cleaner environment. Investment in public transportation spurs both local and the national economy.

Where is public transportation most common?

The Northeast, home to several of the most traveled transit systems in the country, has the largest share of adults by region (25%) who use public transportation on a regular basis (daily or weekly). City dwellers are also more frequent users of mass transit.

What generation is most likely to travel?

“When it comes to nearly all travel behaviors, millennials are the generation most likely to engage — and they do so often,” said Lindsey Roeschke, travel and hospitality analyst at Morning Consult.

Do millennials or Gen Z travel more?

More than half of Gen Zers are already frequent travelers
As Gen Zers age and grow in spending power, they will likely outpace travel-happy millennials. Surveys conducted Dec. 14, 2022-Feb. 20, 2023, among 738 to 2,052 U.S. adults, with an unweighted margin of error of up to +/-4 percentage points.