What age gap is illegal in Florida?

What age gap is illegal in Florida? Romeo & Juliet Law Criteria To be protected by the Romeo & Juliet law in Florida, the following criteria must be met: The younger party must be between 14 and 17 years old. The age difference between the two individuals must not exceed four years.

What is the age of consent in Japan?

TOKYO (AP) ? Japan's parliament on Friday raised the age of sexual consent to 16 from 13, a limit which had remained unchanged for more than a century and was among the world's lowest, amid calls for greater protection of children and women. The revision was part of a revamping of laws related to sex crimes.

What is the lowest age of consent in the world?

Age of Consent: 11 to 12 years The legal age at which a person can agree to a sexual relationship in Nigeria is 11 years. This consensual age is the lowest across the globe. The Philippines and Angola follow closely with the age of consent in both countries being 12 years.