Were obelisks used to tell time?

Were obelisks used to tell time? Around 3,500 BCE (a long, long time ago), the Egyptians used the shadows the giant stone obelisks cast on the ground to tell the time of day. Each obelisk was built to tell a story. But they worked very well as shadow clocks. Later on, the ancient Egyptians invented the first portable timepiece.

What is the most famous obelisk?

While the honor of the world's tallest obelisk belongs to the Washington Monument (standing 555 feet, or 169 meters, tall), Long believes the most famous obelisk on the planet is likely the Vatican Obelisk at the center of Rome's St. Peter's Square.

Which country has the most obelisk?

For of the 21 ancient obelisks still standing, Egypt itself can claim fewer than five. Rome boasts 13, all snatched from the Land of the Pharaohs in Roman times, and the rest are spread from Istanbul to New York City.

What city has the most obelisks in the world?

The city of Rome has the most obelisks in the world! 13 true obelisks, stone pillars made from single blocks of stone.