Were Egyptian slaves treated well?

Were Egyptian slaves treated well? They were treated as people and had the right to private property. There were even cases of slaves marrying Egyptian women! - the Egyptologist notes. This means that they were not stigmatised or commonly despised.

Has the tomb of Cleopatra been found?

Cleopatra's Long-Lost Tomb Has Never Been Found.

What did female slaves do in ancient Egypt?

During the Islamic history of Egypt, slavery were mainly focused on three categories: male slaves used for soldiers and bureaucrats, female slaves used for sexual slavery as concubines, and female slaves and eunuchs used for domestic service in harems and private households.

What did Egyptian slaves eat?

Peasants and enslaved people would, of course, eat a limited diet, including the staples of bread and beer, complemented by dates, vegetables, and pickled and salted fish, but the wealthy had a much larger range to choose from.