Was the London Underground used as a bomb shelter?

Was the London Underground used as a bomb shelter? During the intensive bombing of the Blitz between September 1940 and May 1941, deep-level Tube stations sheltered thousands every night. With more air raids anticipated and London Transport adept at tunnelling deep underneath London, a clear idea presented itself.

What is the most destroyed city in history?

This siege and assault of the Chechen capital resulted in the widespread devastation of Grozny. In 2003, the United Nations designated Grozny as the most destroyed city on Earth due to the extensive damage it suffered. The battle had a devastating impact on the civilian population.

Did people live in the London Underground?

Most notably, Londoners took shelter in the tube during the bombings of the First and Second World Wars. They would also shelter in crypts, their desire to live driving them to wait it out amongst the dead.