Should you tip tour bus drivers?

Should you tip tour bus drivers? Like any member of the service industry, Tour Directors, bus drivers and local guides depend on tips to make a living. Program Leaders are advised to collect tip money from each participant at the beginning of the tour to avoid confusion and lack of money at the end of the tour.

How much do you tip a tour guide in Europe 2023?

Having said that, they of course do hope to receive a tip, which is token of your appreciation for a job exceptionally well done by the tour guide. Typically, people don't tip the guide(s) individually, but as a group. Between 10-15 Euro is common.

How much do you tip a bus driver in Europe?

It's a nice way to show your appreciation for good service, and each culture has different etiquette around when to tip—and how much. Be prepared by carrying some cash in the local currency. We recommend tipping the equivalent of $7 to $10 per day for your Tour Director, and $3 per day for your bus driver.

Do you thank the bus driver in London?

London is famous for its frostiness – so much so that lots of people feel silly saying 'hello' and 'thank you' to bus drivers in the capital. But it turns out that we should be greeting our dedicated drivers, with a new survey revealing they're happier when passengers are nicer to them.

Do you tip coach bus driver UK?

The customary rate for tipping is zero, these people are paid a decent wage. If they do a fantastic job and deserve a tip, the usual thing is to pass around a hat and let everyone throw a few euro in as they see fit. A couple of months' wages tax-free is not required.

Do you thank the bus driver in the UK?

Why do people in England thank the bus driver when they get off? They do this in the rest of the UK too, and in Ireland - not sure about the rest of Europe. It's just a cultural convention around politeness and etiquette; thanking someone for a service provided (including a paid service) is very customary in the UK.

How much do tour bus drivers get paid UK?

How much does a Bus Driver make over time in United Kingdom? Bus Driver professionals in United Kingdom have a wide total pay range, between £20,811 and £442,998 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of £32,075 following the average career path of a Bus Driver.

Do you have to say thank you to the bus driver?

Bus drivers are people who take extra precautions and get people to where they need to go. So as riders, we can at least say thank you. It might not mean a lot to you, but it'll mean a lot to the driver. The proverb of thanking the bus driver is not only something you should do every once in a while, but every day.

How much do you tip a tour driver?

For a tour that only lasts a few hours, tip your guide 10 percent to 20 percent the cost of the tour. How much you tip also depends on the size of your tour, so you should tip more for a more personalized experience. For a multi-day tour, you should tip your guide $5 to $10 per day on the last day.

Is it rude not to tip UK?

Unlike some countries you do not have to tip in the UK. However, there are some unsaid social rules about leaving a tip. For example, if you take a taxi it is normal practice to round up the fare to the nearest pound.

What is the recommended tip for tour guide and bus driver?

At the conclusion of your tour, it is customary to offer your Tour Director and driver a gratuity. We recommend tipping the equivalent of $8USD to $10USD per person per day for your Tour Director and the equivalent of $3USD per person per day for your driver.

Is it rude not to tip in Europe?

At bars in Europe, tips are not customary, but leaving change or a few euros is always appreciated, if not expected. For takeaway food or drinks, counter dining, or stand-up service, tips are also not customary.