Should you talk on an airplane?

Should you talk on an airplane? Overall, 83 percent of travelers agreed that saying hello and giving a smile to your neighbor is acceptable and appropriate when taking a flight. Among respondents in the U.S., what should be discussed was a big concern, and 42 percent said it's unacceptable to share personal stories.

Where is the noisiest on a plane?

Jet airliners, on the inside, are loudest in the last few rows at the rear. Outside, right at the engine exhausts, but you're in serious danger from the engine if you're anywhere near that. Most of the noise goes backwards away from the plane.

Can flight attendants flirt with passengers?

Flight Attendants are nice to passengers - that's their job. Too often, men misconstrue that as flirting. It rarely is. Most Flight Attendants are married moms, we don't have time or the inclination to flirt or carry through on the flirting message!

Do you really need to turn off your phone on a plane?

Per the FAA website's Safety Information page, “The FCC and FAA ban cell phones for airborne use because its signals could interfere with critical aircraft instruments. Devices must be used in airplane mode or with the cellular connection disabled.

Can you text on a plane?

Can I text on an airplane? Yes, but only using a Wi-Fi connection. The ban on using a cellular connection means passengers can't send SMS texts. Any communication has to be over Wi-Fi with a messaging app that provides similar functionality like iMessage, WhatsApp, or Viber.

What happens if you use Internet on a plane?

Not only will the signals cause interference with airplane navigation, but the effort it takes your cell phone to keep scanning and tower hopping at fly-by speeds will also drain your battery and still not maintain a constant signal.

Why do flight attendants tell you to turn off your phone?

Most airlines note that there is a chance that radio signals sent out from an electronic device could interfere with one or more of an aircraft's important systems, such as sensors that help the aircraft's instruments communicate with one another, navigation equipment, collision-avoidance equipment, and other forms of ...

Should you be quiet on a plane?

Yes, travelers have the right to quiet, but it's an implied right, and one enforced by the good manners of your fellow passengers and guests.

Can you talk on the phone while flying?

The law. According to 47 CFR § 22.925, the FCC does not allow you to operate a cell phone while airborne. What is this? Cellular telephones installed in or carried aboard airplanes, balloons or any other type of aircraft must not be operated while such aircraft are airborne (not touching the ground).

What is the noisiest part of a plane?

Window seats are usually a bit noisier than aisle seats. And there's a cone of engine noise that adds to wind noise in the rear of the airplane. “You should avoid sitting in the last row,” Mr. Wandel says.

Can you kiss on a flight?

It isn't courteous to display excessive affection on an airplane, he said. A kiss or curling up next to someone while you sleep is acceptable, but making out — or beyond — would be going too far.

How do you flirt on a plane?

  1. First contact begins after you've sat down.
  2. Takeoff is the perfect time for a lull in the conversation. There's no need to force the conversation. ...
  3. Don't interrupt the other person's activity or movie. ...
  4. Be on your best behavior. ...
  5. It's not a good time to ask for a number once the plane hits the ground.