Should you take probiotics before Bali?

Should you take probiotics before Bali? Take a probiotic before arriving and continue daily usage while in Bali. This helps to build up the good, germ-fighting bacteria in your belly that can help ward off any harmful pathogens. Many local expats also swear by taking a Yakult every day, which is a small shot of yogurt with probiotics.

How quickly does Bali belly come on?

CAUSES OF BALI BELLY Contaminated food and water are the biggest culprits for carriers, and keep in mind it is not necessarily the last meal you ate: symptoms can appear as soon as one hour after ingestion, and up to 48 hours later (and even weeks later in some cases)1,3.

What foods to avoid in Bali?

Avoid pre-chopped or packaged fruits that may have been sitting out for too long. Too much spicy food can make your stomach upset and make you more likely to get sick from food. Be cautious of dishes labeled as “extra spicy” or “very hot.”

Does everyone get Bali Belly?

Yes, Bali belly happens. But NO it does not happen to everyone, and YES you can easily prevent it happening to you by preventing and being prepared to fight any indigestion/stomach issues that come up while traveling!