Should you shower after the beach?

Should you shower after the beach? Clean off the bacteria from the ocean, which, if left unchecked, can cause infections in those with immune suppressive disorders. It helps you cool down and heals your skin.

Why do you shower after going to the beach?

“The outcomes of the study support the epidemiological observations of increased risk of skin infections after swimming in the ocean. Cleaning the skin immediately after recreational ocean activities is recommended to reduce the opportunity for infection,” reads the study.

Should I shower before or after the beach?

Showering after swimming is just as important. Showering after swimming in a natural waterbody will help reduce your risk of contracting infections and rashes. This is because showering with warm water and soap immediately after recreational water activities helps remove bacteria from your skin's surface and your hair.

What to do after going to the beach?

Take a cool shower A cool or lukewarm shower will not only be more refreshing but help to prolong your hard-earned tan. Follow up with a rich body butter. Packed with anti-oxidants, My Trusty's body butter is ideal to fight off the dehydrating effects of the sun's rays.