Should you fly with sinus infection?

Should you fly with sinus infection? Can you fly with a sinus infection? As a general rule, flying with a sinus infection and a congested nose is not advised. Changes in cabin air pressure affect the air inside and outside of your head. As a result, clogged sinuses, which prevent you from equalizing pressure differences, can be excruciatingly painful.

Does flying aggravate sinus?

Your sinuses and ears can usually adjust quickly to the changing pressure so that you avoid pain or injury. However, when you are suffering from an underlying sinus issue, your sinuses may be slow to react, causing immense sinus pain while flying.

How do I protect my sinuses when flying?

Use a Decongestant Spray Before Takeoff. As previously mentioned, keeping your congestion at bay from the very beginning is the best way to avoid in-air sinus problems. Before your flight, visit the pharmacy and pick up a decongestant spray from the nasal aisle and use it right before you board the flight.