Should you bring a suitcase Interrailing?

Should you bring a suitcase Interrailing? First and foremost, for any interrail trip we highly recommend opting for a backpack over a suitcase. You'll be carrying your backpack for extended periods, navigating cobbled streets, and tackling uphill treks.

How do you pack a suitcase smartly?

Take advantage of outside pockets or easy-access zipper pockets to store small, frequently used items.
  1. Pack Wrinkle-Resistant Fabric. If possible, pack clothing that is less likely to wrinkle. ...
  2. Keep Clothes in Place with Dry Cleaning Bags. ...
  3. Toss in an Extra Bag for Laundry.

What age should you go Interrailing?

There is no age limit for Interrail. But there are different prices depending on your age. Children up to 11 years travel free of charge with their parents and Interrail. From 12 to 27 years you will receive the youth rate.

Should I bring a suitcase or backpack to Europe?

In general, spaces are a lot smaller, the infrastructure isn't very suitcase friendly and if you're backpacking, you'll probably be flying with a lot of low-cost airlines or taking the train or a bus. All this is what makes travel backpacks the ideal packing method for a European vacation.

Is a backpack or suitcase better for Interrail?

Less Risks of damage: Unlike a suitcase, a light weight backpack wont tend to have any moving parts (apart from zips) This means you are automatically limiting the risk of damage to your luggage/ I.e broken wheels on cobbled streets etc. When interrailing, you're going to be on the move quite a lot.

How much money do you need per day interrailing?

We would advise allowing for around 50-100 euros per day, do you have to spend this exact amount every day? No. Different factors will come into play, for example, one of the days you may want to do a tour that costs around 15-20 euros, but you still need to allow money for eating, public transport etc.

Do you sleep on the train when Interrailing?

A reservation guarantees you a seat or a bed on the train. Night trains have several accommodation options, ranging from reclining seats to single cabins with private bathrooms. You will pay a higher reservation fee for the more luxurious options.

Is 3 weeks enough for interrailing?

Three weeks is the perfect length of time for a first-time Interrailing adventure. Not only will you have plenty of time to travel between different countries and cities, but also to really experience the best bits of each place you visit.

Should I bring jeans interrailing?

Instead stick to flowy and stretchy materials – the kind that you can dry on a washing line and never have to iron. Jeans are super slow to dry and smell really gross when damp, so stick to dark colours – this will avoid having to wash them all the time when you inevitably spill Rioja on them.

Do backpackers hook up?

Is sex common on the backpacker trail? Absolutely, especially places like Asia where a private room is as cheap as a dorm bed. If you want to find sex with a fellow backpacker, you'll probably have no problem, particularly in party towns. Sex definitely happens between travelers and locals as well.

Why do backpackers not use a suitcase?

Backpacks allow travelers to easily move around in crowded areas, navigate narrow streets, and take public transportation without having to worry about lugging a bulky suitcase or cart behind them.

Is it easier to travel with a backpack or suitcase?

Backpacks are often easier for a long trip with multiple stops! However, if you're visiting just one or two locations and won't be moving between accommodation options very much, a suitcase is a sensible option – especially if you're staying in a nicer hotel where a backpack will stand out!

Why do adults carry backpacks?

Backpacks are perfect for carrying work documents, a laptop, and other necessary items. They are also a great way to keep your hands free while you are on the go.

Is it better to have a hard or soft suitcase?

Hard-shell luggage is the way to go for durability and maneuverability, but soft-shells often pack more easily. American Way, Hemispheres, CultureMap, JohnnyJet, and more. Alisha is a freelance writer and photographer.