Should you avoid the beach after rain?

Should you avoid the beach after rain? Do not swim in the ocean during or immediately following rainfall. To further reduce risk of illness, wait at least 12 hours after a heavy rain to resume swimming. It is safe to wade in at any time (except during a thunderstorm!).

Is it OK to go to the beach after it rains?

Do not swim in the ocean during or immediately following rainfall. To further reduce risk of illness, wait at least 12 hours after a heavy rain to resume swimming. It is safe to wade in at any time (except during a thunderstorm!). Heavy rain can wash bacteria and possibly harmful pathogens into the surf.

Why do beaches close after rain?

Common culprits leading to beach closures and advisories include excessive rainwater that carries pollution from storm drains (like motor oil, pet waste, pesticides, trash, and pathogens) to recreational waters; “red tides” and other harmful algal blooms; and sewage and chemical spills from known sources.