Should I use Flonase before flying?

Should I use Flonase before flying? With the right preparation, your in-flight experience can be allergy-free and clear for landing before you leave the ground. So, to help keep the friendly skies friendly, be sure to use your favorite FLONASE allergy relief nasal spray the morning of your flight.

Can you take steroid nasal spray before flying?

Regular use of nasal saline rinses and/or a nasal steroid spray can be helpful in maintaining healthy anatomy for excellent function of your Eustachian tubes. Flonase, now sold over the counter, can be used daily for 2-4 weeks prior to your flight.

Should I take antihistamine or decongestant before flying?

Try taking a decongestant or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine before you get on the airplane, particularly if you are suffering from a head cold or swollen sinuses. If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, you should not take decongestants without approval of your healthcare provider.

What can I take for sinuses before flying?

You can alternatively take an oral decongestant like (Pseudoephedrine or Phenylephrine) an hour before the flight as well. You need to use caution as decongestants can cause nasal dryness by opening the nose more and exposing the inside of the nose to dry air.

What happens if you have a cold before flying?

Flying whilst infected with a cold increases the risk of physical damage to the inner ear and sinuses.

Is it OK to fly with a stuffy nose?

PLEASE NOTE: You should avoid flying if your nose is congested from a cold or allergies. In the most severe case, this may lead to a permanent decrease in your hearing, prolonged dizziness, or severe pain.

How do I decongest my ears before flying?

Two common recommendations: 12-hour or 24-hour Sudafed or Afrin nasal spray. If you opt for the nasal spray, give yourself a spray 30 minutes before takeoff and again about 30 minutes prior to descent.

Why take an antihistamine before flying?

If you have any allergy or cold-related symptoms, make sure you take an antihistamine or decongestant spray at least 30-45 minutes before your flight. Following this method can help alleviate any additional sinus pressure.

Does Flonase help with airplane ear?

Sudafed 30 milligrams one hour before the plane lands If flying and diving is a chronic problem, start a nasal steroid (Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort) for 2 weeks prior to your trip/dive. Pop your ears early and often. For flying, try to pop your ears as the plane descends.

How do you relieve head pressure on a plane?

If you start to notice this pressure building, you can try some of these strategies:
  1. Take an antihistamine if needed before your flight. ...
  2. Yawn or swallow during takeoff.
  3. Try chewing a piece of gum or candy during takeoff, if yawning and swallowing don't work for you.

Can flying with a cold damage your ears?

If you fly with a head cold or seasonal allergies, Dr. Pinkston said it's possible you may significantly stretch your eardrum because your Eustachian tubes wouldn't be working properly to equalize pressure. If the stretching of the eardrum is considerable, these problems may occur: Capillaries in the ear break.