Should I take cash or card to Australia?

Should I take cash or card to Australia? Verdict. Plastic is widely accepted throughout Australia. For best value, consider using a travel or an airline cobranded credit card for purchases and a debit card for ATM cash withdrawals. But make sure your cards have no foreign transaction fees.

Do I tip in Australia?

Tipping is not mandatory but the staff always appreciates it. Stick to the 10-15% rule, which is considered very generous. They do provide tip jars in some restaurants, cafes and pubs; if you desire, leave some small change in the jar. Note: The service in Australia is a lot more laid back than in many other countries.

Should I take euros or use my card?

While credit cards are accepted in most situations, currency can be more convenient for public transportation and small vendors. It's also wise to carry an emergency fund with enough cash for a few days, just in case your card gets lost or stolen.

Is it better to use cash or card in Spain?

You might also notice that some small shops accept cards only for purchases above a certain amount, normally 10 euros. Also taxis usually take cards, but some do not or simply do not want to take anything other than cash. For these reasons, it is advisable to always carry a little bit of cash with you.

Is it better to get a travel money card or cash?

While credit cards are easy to carry and more secure than cash, you should always have some local cash on you when traveling. It's just good sense. Besides the fact that some local shops and vendors won't accept credit cards, having some cash provides a safety net in case your bank shuts off your card for any reason.