Should I say Domo or Arigato?

Should I say Domo or Arigato? Arigatou on its own is a simple, somewhat casual “thank you.” That said, most people prefer doumo arigatou or arigatou gozaimasu as their standard way of saying thanks, because both of those phrases are more polite than arigatou on its own.

Why do Japanese say Hai so much?

Other Uses of Hai Sometimes it's used as a sign of acknowledgement. Sometimes it's used as a delineating device to indicate a change in topic. Sometimes it's used as a way of saying “here you go”. Basically, hai has many different meanings and uses in Japanese beyond “yes”.

What is the Arigato rule?

Use the word 'arigato' Arigato in, arigato out. Honda said his philosophy can be boiled down to this simple phrase, Arigato in, arigato out. That just means saying thank you to money when it comes in to your possession, and saying thank you to money when it goes out of your hands.