Should I commute 40 minutes to college?
Should I commute 40 minutes to college? 40 minutes to commute to college is manageable. You can keep your study area as it was pre-college, social life and family will be slightly easier, and you won't have to deal with as much change. Those are some of the pros. Build more into this list and see what you can come up with.
Is 30 minutes too far to drive to college?
It is normal to drive 30 to 50 minutes to college depending on traffic. According to a study by the American Automobile Association (AAA), the average time spent driving increases in relation to higher levels of education. A college graduate drove an average of 37.2 miles and 58 minutes daily.
What is considered a bad commute?
The average U.S. commute to work of 26.1 minutes each way looks like a quick trip around the block compared to the travel times posted by extreme commuters. The U.S. Census Bureau defines extreme commuters as workers who travel 90 minutes or more each way to work.
How long commute is acceptable?
It is generally acceptable to commute to work by car from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, especially in big cities. What is a good distance to commute to work?
Is a shorter commute better?
The biggest and most obvious advantage of a shorter commute is the time you'll save. If you're able to trim off 30 minutes of commuting each way, that's an hour a day, which saves you 250 hours of time every year (if you work five days per week and have two weeks of vacation).
Is a 20 minute commute too much?
Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.