Should I bring toilet paper to Egypt?

Should I bring toilet paper to Egypt? Toilet paper - You can always buy toilet paper while there or take some from your hotel. If you're particularly worried about hygiene, also bring your travel toilet seat covers. Note - don't flush anything down the toilet in Egypt, not even toilet paper.

Should I bring cash or card to Egypt?

Cash is King in Egypt For best rates go to the nearest currency exchange shops or banks, and these are readily available across all Egyptian cities. Exchange shops have shorter waiting lines than banks. NOTE: you now need your passport with you at both exchange shops and banks.

What do Egyptians use instead of toilet paper?

Besides that, the plumbing in Egypt isn't always set up to accommodate balls of toilet paper. Egyptians prefer to use a shatafa, a little bidet sprayer, which may be attached to the toilet bowl or the wall via a small hose. A knob allows the user to turn on the spray of water and get things nice and clean down there.

Can you have ice in your drinks in Egypt?

It's important to stay hydrated while traveling in Egypt, but drinking tap water isn't recommended. Remember to avoid drinks with ice and to peel fruit before eating it, too.

Is it safe to take a shower in Egypt?

While tap water in Egypt is considered safe for showering and brushing your teeth, it contains high levels of chlorination and isn't advised for drinking. The safest option is to drink bottled water which is widely available but always check that the seal is intact.

Do Egyptian hotels have toilet paper?

Toilets. Broadly speaking there aren't many public toilets in Egypt and so it's not unusual to use one in a hotel or restaurant even if you're not a paying customer. As you might expect, toilet paper is rarely provided except occasionally when a toilet attendant may give it to you for a small cost.

Can you brush your teeth with tap water in Hurghada?

showering and brushing teeth with tap water does not pose a problem.

Can woman wear shorts in Egypt?

Aside from beachside resort cities, it is not recommended for female tourists to ever wear shorts in Egypt. Before traveling to Egypt for the first time, many travelers ask us what clothes to bring.

Do you pay for toilets in Egypt?

Toilets and Facilities: Public toilets, when they can be found, are usually squat-holes in the floor with footrests on either or if you are lucky western style toilets. All public toilets come with an obligatory usage free of 1-2LE irrespective of standard of hygiene.

Should I carry my passport with me in Egypt?

In Egypt, carry your passport with you: you'll need it to register at hotels, change money at banks, and possibly to show at police checkpoints. If travelling for any length of time, it may be worth registering with your embassy in Cairo, which will help speed things up if you lose your passport.

Are there toilets at the pyramids?

Restrooms: There are 2 restrooms at the Pyramids of Giza that you can use for a small fee.

Can I drink tap water in Egypt?

In Egypt, drinking water from the tap is not recommended. Water treatment plants in and around Cairo heavily chlorinate the supply, so the water in the capital is relatively safe to drink. However, it is advisable everywhere else in Egypt to purchase bottled water or drink treated or purified water.

Can I take the toilet paper from my hotel room?

Anything that can be sanitized or laundered and used by another guest is the hotel's property and is considered stolen if you take it. They aren't going to do anything if you take toilet paper, kleenex, or coffee packets, although you have to be pretty cheap to do that.

Is it rude not to tip in Egypt?

One of the most common tipping mistakes in Egypt is not tipping at all. In Egypt, tipping is expected, and failure to do so can be considered rude or disrespectful. Another mistake is tipping too little. While it may seem like a small amount to you, it can make a big difference to service providers.