Should I bring cash to Nassau?

Should I bring cash to Nassau? It's always advisable to bring money in a variety of forms on a vacation: a mix of cash, credit cards, and traveler's checks. You should also exchange enough petty cash to cover airport incidentals, tipping, and transportation to your hotel before you leave home, or withdraw money upon arrival at an airport ATM.

How much money should I take to Nassau?

I would say $500-600. I've gone there twice and stayed at NBH and brought back enough money to pay for parking at the airport. I spent the most money on excursions the second time around and on my first trip I bought a lot of souvenirs. Buy your spirits first as the hotel offers a refridgerator in the room for chasers.

What to avoid in Nassau?

  • Avoid Nassau's “over the hill” (south of Shirley Street) and Fish Fry (Arawak Cay) areas, especially at night.
  • Stay alert to your surroundings at all times.
  • Don't walk alone, particularly after dark.
  • Don't carry large sums of cash or wear expensive jewellery.

Can you drink the tap water in the Bahamas?

Water -- Technically, tap water is drinkable throughout The Bahamas. Still, we almost always opt for bottled. Resorts tend to filter and chlorinate tap water more aggressively than other establishments; elsewhere, bottled water is available at stores and supermarkets, and tastes better than that from a tap.

How do you pay for things in Nassau Bahamas?

The currency is the Bahamian dollar (B$1), pegged to the U.S. dollar so that they're always equivalent. There is no restriction on bringing foreign currency into The Bahamas. Most large hotels and stores accept traveler's checks, but you may have trouble using a personal check.

Why is Nassau so expensive?

The reason for the higher cost of living in the Bahamas is because the place is an island, which means they do not have their own factories to produce the goods they use within the country therefore, they import the majority of the goods they use.

What can you not bring into The Bahamas?

Anything except fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products can be brought into The Bahamas. All meats must be canned or frozen.