Is Zion National Park biblical?

Is Zion National Park biblical? The Name Zion Their resolute Christian beliefs lent to the naming of the area “Zion” which is a Hebrew word found in the Bible meaning refuge or sanctuary. According to record, a man named Isaac Behunin was the first Mormon occupant of Zion Canyon.

Is Zion National Park a spiritual place?

Naming the area Zion is credited to one of these early settlers, Isaac Behunin. Zion is a Biblical word that is prominent in the Mormon lexicon that refers to a place of spiritual sanctuary. To the LDS people, it symbolizes an eventual religious utopia and a final gathering place in the last days.

Why is Zion called Zion?

The first European American settlers, Mormon pioneers, arrived in the area in the late 1800s. They named the area Zion, which is ancient Hebrew for “sanctuary” or “refuge.” The deep and spectacular canyons of this protected portion of the Virgin River Valley truly offer a safe haven to wildlife and humans alike.