Is Wellington Harbour safe to swim in?

Is Wellington Harbour safe to swim in? Wellington Harbour Water quality changes, so avoid swimming for 2 – 3 days after heavy rain. See for more info on popular swim spots.

Which island in New Zealand is safer?

Christchurch. Christchurch is not only considered one of the safest places to live in New Zealand—it also ranks among the best all around. Located on the South Island, Christchurch is one of the first choices for expatriates who move to New Zealand. It not only offers a low crime rate, but also a very high safety rate.

Is it too cold to swim in the ocean in New Zealand?

How cold is the water in NZ? Being long and skinny, New Zealand's ocean temperatures vary from island to island. The North Island enjoys temperatures of 20-22°C in summer, while in winter, it drops down to 15°C.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean sharks?

Sharks can easily mistake humans as prey when conditions are bad. Don't enter the water at dawn, dusk and at night, when some species of sharks may move closer to land to feed. However, keep in mind that sharks, especially tiger sharks, have been known to bite people at any time of day or night.

What makes a beach not swimmable?

Beach advisories and beach closures occur when water testing reveals the presence of one or more contaminants that exceed healthy standards. During a beach closure, water conditions are deemed unsafe for swimmers and other users.

How do you know if a beach is safe to swim?

Read the beach safety signs at the entrance to the beach. Once on the beach, look for beach warning flags, often posted on or near a lifeguard's stand. A green flag means water conditions are safe and other colors mean conditions are not safe. These flags are there to protect you.