Is unlimited vacation a red flag?
Is unlimited vacation a red flag? No, unlimited PTO is not a red flag on it's own. If they are unable to provide that information, it could be considered a red flag. If they are able to tell you how many days employees take off, it can be a sign that employees enjoy this benefit and are taking advantage of it.
Why is unlimited PTO controversial?
The common caveat with unlimited PTO is the stigma of utilizing it. This stigma is often associated with employees feeling like they are on borrowed time rather than using the time they deserve. Essentially, it comes down to building a thriving culture that encourages, supports, and rewards employees who use their PTO.
How common is unlimited vacation?
Is it just a fad? So far, unlimited time off is still relatively rare. Only around 6% of employers offer it, according to a 2022 employee benefits survey by the Society for Human Resource Management. Many, like Microsoft and Netflix, are in the tech industry, where competition for talent can be fierce.