Is UGA a walkable campus?
Is UGA a walkable campus? We know 760+ acres sounds huge, but walking across campus is a lovely journey. If you prefer a ride, our transit system won't leave you waiting.
Is UGA Park and Ride free?
The Park & Ride (lot E23) offers a lower-rate parking option to UGA students, faculty, and staff for $10 per month. Open daily from dawn to dusk, the Park & Ride lot is located at the corner of College Station and North Oconee Access Road.
What type of students go to UGA?
“Students are generally white, upper-middle-class, smart, [and] involved, and [they] have a good time,” “seem to be predominantly conservative,” and “are usually involved in at least one organization whether it be Greek, a club, or sports.” “The typical student at UGA is one who knows how and when to study but allows ...