Is trip and journey the same?

Is trip and journey the same? A trip is the act of travelling from point A to point B with no transfers (a single trip). A journey on the other hand can be one or a number of trips (transfers) combined to make it from point A to B.

Is a journey a short trip?

A journey is the distance travelled from the origin to the final destination. A journey might involve several trips using different transport modes. The sum of these trips will make up one journey.

What is one word for short journey or trip?

Synonyms of day trip (noun journey) cruise. expedition. jaunt. junket.

What is another word for journey trip?

Synonyms of 'journey' in American English
  • trip.
  • excursion.
  • expedition.
  • odyssey.
  • pilgrimage.
  • tour.
  • trek.
  • voyage.

What is a short trip called?

[ ik-skur-zhuhn, -shuhn ] show ipa. See synonyms for: excursionexcursioningexcursionalexcursionary on noun. a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return: a pleasure excursion; a scientific excursion.

What is considered a journey?

noun,plural jour·neys. a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip: a six-day journey across the desert. a distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling: a desert journey.