Is Trainline or Rail Europe better?

Is Trainline or Rail Europe better? In some cases, Trainline's bus and bus/train combo options are worthwhile. In our extensive testing, it's the number one result for the best train fares in Europe. Rail Europe works just as smoothly as Trainline but its coverage is not as extensive.

What is the cheapest way to travel through Europe by train?

Buy European rail passes Purchasing relevant rail passes for European countries can seriously help cut costs when travelling by train. “Consider buying an Interrail pass (for European residents, or Eurail pass (for non-residents,

Is Trainline Europe reliable?

Yes, Trainline is legitimate. Their app and website connect directly to rail and coach carriers' ticketing platforms so every ticket you buy through Trainline is valid for travel.

Is Trainline com the same as Trainline EU?

Through 2019 and into 2020, Trainline progressively added the European ticket functionality of to their main global website disappeared on 22 September 2020 leaving just selling all tickets.

What is the best day to buy train tickets?

Travel during peak travel periods will usually see you paying more as there is more demand for tickets. For that reason, the best days to buy tickets are generally in the middle of the week between Tuesday and Thursday, the former considered the best of all by several sources.

Can I use Trainline in Europe?

Trainline sells official tickets for train and bus travel in 45 countries across Europe and Asia – including the UK, France, Italy and Spain.

Why do people use Trainline?

From live times and disruptions info to split tickets and price alerts for the cheapest tickets, the Trainline app gives you control of your journey. It makes train and coach travel across the UK and the rest of Europe easy.

What can I use instead of Trainline?

The main contenders are Omio, Rail Europe and Trainline. Those three are all legitimate companies, and established ticket resellers for European train tickets. (They're official partners of the European national train companies.) And they all put you on the same trains!

Is it better to buy train tickets online or at the station Europe?

Tickets bought at train-station windows tend to be easier to change (or have refunded) than tickets bought online. In some cities you can avoid trekking to the train station by visiting a neighborhood travel agency or branch office of the national railroad.

Is Trainline cheaper in advance?

Train operators set ticket prices in yields, with advance purchase tickets as the cheapest option.

Is the Trainline cheaper than national rail?

Is Trainline more expensive than National Rail? The trainline is a reseller/agent so although the fares are usually the same, you may other charges such as booking fees/credit card fees and delivery fees and may miss any special promotional fares. There is no point in booking through them.

Does rail Europe offer food?

When booking train tickets in Europe, you'll have the option of traveling in first class or second class – which you can specify when booking through Rail Europe. First class offers more spacious seats, and occasionally complimentary food and drinks.

Is it worth it to travel Europe by train?

Train travel in Europe is generally far more comfortable than flying. At the end of the day, traveling Europe by train is immensely more comfortable than flying. There's less hassle, more comfortable seats, more ease of moving around, often better views, and more control over your environment.

What is the difference between rail Europe and Eurail?

Rail Europe is an official reseller of the tickets and passes that Eurail creates. Interrail is the same pass but for Europeans only; Eurail/Rail Europe is for non-Europeans. While Eurail also sells the same pass as Rail Europe, Rail Europe often sells these passes at a discounted price.

Is there a train that goes all around Europe?

The Eurail Pass With a single Eurail rail Pass, you can travel in up to 33 countries, hopping off along the way to experience Europe's most fascinating cities, monuments, and breathtaking scenery. Travel at your own pace and know that there is the perfect Eurail Pass for every European vacation!

How to save money on trains in Europe?

Book train tickets in advance While many of us plan and book flights well before our trip, train travel is often left until the last minute. Like planes, train tickets are released in price sections—the cheapest fares are first, and the most expensive ones can be purchased up to an hour before the train time.

What days are train tickets cheaper?

Nationwide Amtrak Discounts Before you start clicking links, make sure to check Amtrak's Weekly Specials, on sale between Tuesday and Friday each week. These are deeply discounted fares (often up to 80% off) that can be for any train in the country. It's a grab bag, but you might get lucky.

Is it cheaper to buy train tickets in advance at the station?

Is it okay if we book 30 days ahead ? In general it is cheaper to book long distance trains ahead of time - 10 to 12 weeks is when cheap (but inflexible) tickets are released for sale. At 30 days on most routes there would be a reasonable selection still on sale if you are not too choosy about times.