Is Tokyo a lonely city?

Is Tokyo a lonely city? Solitude and suicide are certainly profound problems in Tokyo. This is a city and a society with between 280,000 and 700,000 hikikomori, where the old fear facing death alone, and where familial support networks are small; the number of children per couple has sunk to 1.39.

Is Japan a shy country?

In fact, however, Japanese people are not as shy as it's said they are. In Japan, being quiet or calm is considered as a virtue which comes from Samurai period, so in the place, Japanese people tend not to be fond of being too friendly, especially when they talk with strangers.

Is it OK to speak English in Japan?

So, if you need to ask someone for directions or go to a hotel or a restaurant, you will generally have no problem only speaking English. Of course, you may go to a bar or a restaurant and get turned away because you only speak English, but don't be offended if this is ever the case.

Can we survive in Japan with English?

If you speak English and don't mind living in Japan's English-speaking, gaijin-friendly bubble, having little or no Japanese can be manageable most of the time. You'll still be able to meet new people, experience unique moments, and navigate much of Japan just fine.

Is Tokyo an English friendly city?

As I explained, if you're visiting as a non-Japanese speaker, you'll generally have no trouble finding someone who speaks English in restaurants, hotels, and public transport in big cities like Tokyo or tourist cities like Kyoto.

Is living in Tokyo stressful?

Living in Tokyo can be stressful due to factors like noise, crowds, and a lack of personal space. It's essential to find ways to manage this stress effectively.

Is Japan friendly to foreigners?

You can learn more about this in our Culture and Social Etiquette section. There are many pros and cons to living in Japan and expats can feel overwhelmed with the list of dos and don'ts. Luckily, Japanese society is very welcoming of foreigners and forgiving should you commit a faux pas.