Is there VAT on hotel stays?

Is there VAT on hotel stays? Essentials are not VAT-able so that includes most food, books, children's clothes, newspapers. But 'non-essentials' such as hotel rooms, restaurant meals, adult clothes, are all VAT-able.

How much is VAT refund in Italy?

In Italy, the standard VAT rate is 22%. After deducting the administrative fee and the fee of the tax refund company, you'll expect to receive an 11%-15.5% refund rate of your purchase amount, depending on how much you spent. And Italy also has one of the highest minimum spending requirements (€154.95).

Can you claim VAT on hotel stays?

When employees of a VAT-registered business are required to spend the night in a hotel in the course of their business, the business can reclaim the 20% VAT on the cost of their accommodation.

Can you get VAT back on hotels in Europe?

Though you aren't entitled to refunds on the tax you spend on hotels and meals, you can get back most of the tax you paid on merchandise such as clothes, cuckoos, and crystal.