Is there stingers at the Great Barrier Reef in August?

Is there stingers at the Great Barrier Reef in August? Whilst varieties of marine stingers can be found year-round on the Great Barrier Reef, they are most prevalent during 'stinger season' which runs during the warmer months of the year, from the beginning of November until the end of May.

Do you need to wear stinger suit on Great Barrier Reef?

It is recommended to wear a stinger suit as a precaution for any water activities in the Great Barrier Reef. Even if the chances of being stung is low, we wouldn't want anything life-threatening to be happening to you! Best you grab a stinger suit and explore the Great Barrier Reef waters safely.

When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is also prone to thunderstorms and the occasional cyclone. If you want reliably good underwater visibility, summer might not be the best time as rain and storms can cause the water to become murky. It's not all bad though.

Can you swim in Cairns in August?

Travelling to Cairns and its surrounding beaches during the cooler months, such as August, means you can comfortably swim in the ocean without worrying about enclosures or stinger suits.

Do I need a stinger suit in Cairns?

We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits – regardless of the time of year – as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

Where not to swim in Cairns?

The best beaches to swim at are mainly in the Northern suburbs. The beaches in the city aren't suitable for swimming due to crocodiles and it being too buddy. However, there is a lagoon to swim in if you're staying in Cairns City.

Can you swim in the Great Barrier Reef in August?

You can swim in Tropical North Queensland all year round. The 'traditional' swimming season runs between April and October. Between November and March Tropical North Queensland is home to the box jellyfish, so special swimming enclosures are erected at popular beaches to protect swimmers.

When should you avoid the Great Barrier Reef?

Avoiding stinger season When you snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef during May to October you will avoid the peak stinger season. This is where box jellyfish and irukandji jellyfish are around. These jellyfish are around all year, they are more common during the warmer months.