Is there free water in Barcelona?

Is there free water in Barcelona? In some places you can ask for tap water (for free) but it's not the custom in barcelona so you can get strange faces or negative answers. Agua del grifo, un vaso o una jarra (glass or jug). Dont ask for a bottle. What happens in Barcelona is that the water, although perfectly fine, doesn't have the best taste.

Do Spanish locals drink tap water?

A. Although 99.5% of Spain's tap water is safe to drink, many Spaniards prefer to drink bottled water due to its taste. Madrid has some of the best-tasting tap water in the country and lower sales of bottled water as a result.

Is water free in Barcelona restaurants?

Can You Drink Tap Water in Spanish Restaurants? According to a new law passed in Spain in April 2022, all restaurants and bars in Spain are obliged to provide free tap water to their patrons. This law was created to reduce the consumption of bottled water and subsequent plastic pollution.

How much do you tip in Barcelona?

Restaurants in Barcelona Tipping at restaurants is a widely accepted practice in Spanish tipping etiquette. The bill will include a service charge representing the tip in most cases. The most common tip amount to leave is 10% of the total amount on your bill.

Do you tip in Barcelona?

Tips aren't expected in Barcelona, but they are always appreciated. Credit cards – tipping is possible with a card, just be sure you ask them to add it to the total as they run your card. There's no space on the credit card receipt when it comes time to sign.

How do I ask for water in Barcelona?

If you want to order tap water though in a restaurant, please specify Un vaso de agua (a glass of water) or Agua de grifo (Tap water). They should not make you pay for that. Enjoy your time in Barcelona, since it seems you finally are not having that bad luck with the weather....

How to get free drinks in Barcelona?

It's called Bida: you pay just €9.99 a month and you can browse a map with all the partner bars and restaurants. Just choose one, go there and show the bartender your app to claim your free drink. Of course, you can't have any drink on the menu, but every location has a list of 3-4 drinks that you can have for free.

Can foreigners drink tap water in Spain?

The quick answer is yes: the average traveler absolutely can drink tap water in Spain. Essentially, 99.5% of Spain's tap water is deemed safe for consumption. In fact, Spain has one of the most advanced public filtration and wastewater management systems in the world.

Do you tip in Spain?

Tipping in Spain works differently: The customer actually has the option to not leave any tip at all. However, restaurants expect a 10% tip on each bill—although it's not a formal rule, and that percentage is much lower than tipping practices in other countries.