Is there free travel between Northern Ireland and Ireland?

Is there free travel between Northern Ireland and Ireland? You may also travel free of charge on certain cross-border services between Ireland and Northern Ireland. But to travel free in Northern Ireland, you must have a Senior Smart Pass – see 'Senior SmartPass for travelling in Northern Ireland' below.

What do you get free at 60 in Northern Ireland?

If you're aged 60 or over, or you have a disability, you may be entitled to concessionary travel on bus and railway journeys within Northern Ireland.

Is there still a free travel between Ireland and UK?

Irish citizens have unrestricted residence rights in the UK As well as being able to travel freely to the UK, Irish citizens can take up long-term residence with no visa or work permit requirements, and are treated as though they have permanent immigration status or British citizenship.

What age is considered a senior citizen?

In the United States it is generally considered that a senior citizen is anyone of retirement age, or a person that has reached age 62 or older. However the standard threshold for Medicaid is age 65.