Is there cell reception on Road to Hana?

Is there cell reception on Road to Hana? Expect to lose cell phone service Hana Highway runs along an isolated part of east Maui that is shielded by Haleakala Volcano. This means that cell phone reception is spotty at best and most likely non-existent along the majority of the road. Hana Town and the Ke'anae Peninsula are your best bets for finding coverage.

What time should you leave Hana?

Make sure to leave Hana area at least a few hours before sunset. If the roads are open, and your rental car agreement allows, consider driving the backside of Haleakala. You'll watch sunset either from the back of the island or Upcountry near Kula and Makawao, which is pretty amazing.

What is the difference between Road to Hana and Road to Hana Deluxe?

There is also a Road to Hana which is a bus tour. The Deluxe Road to Hana transports you via an 8 passenger van and it is definitely worth the difference in price!

Should I do Road to Hana with kids?

It is seriously one of my favorite things to do in Maui with kids. Depending on how much time you have in Maui, it might be a good idea to find accommodation somewhere in Hana for the night and split the trip into two days; one for the way there and one for the way back.

How do you avoid crowds on the Road to Hana?

It's best to be on the road, leaving your resort by at least 7:30 am. If you start late, the Road to Hana can be crowded with other drivers. That can mean that you might find yourself crawling along behind slower drivers at time.

What is the best day of the week to take the Road to Hana?

Experience tells me that a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are probably best - mainly because there is LESS traffic to deal with. The Road to Hana is one of THE most popular drives on Maui, and while you cannot “escape” the traffic, the heaviest times are the beginnings and endings of the week, generally…

Should I do Road to Hana in two days?

It's a beautiful scenic drive with a huge amount to see. Unfortunately, most visitors only plan to spend one day on this adventure and end up being rushed and missing many of the sights. If you are lucky enough to have a bit of spare time in your Maui itinerary, I highly recommend making this a two-day excursion!

Can you do a half day Road to Hana?

The half-day Road to Hana Tour is an amazing journey. See jungles, waterfalls, beaches, rivers, rainforests, mountains, ocean cliffs… and that's just part of it! We can make this tour whatever you want it to be!

Is the Road to Hana a full loop?

As mentioned earlier, you'll need to retrace your steps for your return trip. The Road to Hana is technically a loop, however it's not recommended to check out “Maui's backside.” First, it won't save you that much time. Secondly, most car rental companies specifically discourage this.

Is the Road to Hana stressful?

The best road trips are those where you can cruise around on the open road at your leisure, playing road trip songs or just enjoying the sounds of nature, stress-free. The Road to Hana is the opposite. It's crowded, fairly dangerous, and definitely stressful.

Where do you go to the bathroom on the Road to Hana?

After the Keanea arboretum, you can take a left and drive down into Wailua. There is a public park there with restrooms. There are restrooms at Pua`a Ka`a Wayside Park, parking on the left. The Halfway to Hana store has port-a-potties.

Is it better to drive the Road to Hana yourself or take a tour?

This depends on what type of traveler you are and how much time you have. If you'd rather not drive, and you want a guide you can ask questions to, a Hana van tour is the best option. If you want a little more control over where you go, and you want to do your own research, driving is your best option.

Why is the Road to Hana called the Divorce highway?

Some call it the “Road to Hell” or the “Road to Divorce” because you will have to journey across 52 miles of winding road, hairpin turns and numerous one lane bridges to experience all of Hana. This treacherous drive causes couples to argue. Don't worry, it's not that bad. Just take your time and drive carefully.

Is there cell reception in Maui?

Maui has great coverage and there is no extra charge for service. As a great U.S. state, it is domestic service just as if you were in Lebanon, Kansas (center of the contiguous U.S.) with no additional charges or roaming fees for calls, text or data.

What are the cons of Road to Hana?

Disadvantages of Driving the Road to Hana:
  • Not an Easy Drive.
  • Challenging to Find Stops.
  • Reservations Required.
  • A Long Day of Driving.
  • Divorce Highway.
  • Driving in a Rental Car Has Limitations.
  • Time Management.
  • Bad Weather.

What is the speed limit on the Road to Hana?

There are over 600 hairpin curves and 59 one-lane bridges to cross. With all of those, numerous blind-spots and the 25mph speed limit (or slower), those 52 miles will take about two and a half hours if you don't run into any distractions. However, this road is FILLED with one incredible distraction after another!

Can I drive myself on the Road to Hana?

Yes, you can certainly drive the Road to Hana on your own. However, if you'd like some extra guidance on your trip, a driving guide from Action Tour Guide will make for the perfect travel buddy. Driving the Road to Hana is a thrilling and breathtaking experience.

Where is the best place to start the Road to Hana?

Road to Hana Starting Point. The Road to Hana starting point is Kahului on Route 36, Hana Highway. Beginning at Kahului Harbor, Hana Highway switches to Route 360 at Mile Marker Zero for the Road to Hana, 16 miles past Paia Town.