Is there a train or bus to Lake Como?

Is there a train or bus to Lake Como? The best way to reach Lake Como is by train: you can take a train from Milan Centrale Station (Milano Centrale) or Milan Nord Cadorna and get off at Como San Giovanni, Como's main station, or Como Nord Lago.

Is there direct train from Milan to Lake Como?

All of the train options from Milan to Como are direct, so the difference is between the speed of each type of train.

What is the easiest way to get to Lake Como from Milan?

The easiest option is to take the train from Milano Centrale to Como S. Giovanni station (40 minutes). From there, you can take the C30 bus* (about 1h 10 min ride) or the boat to Bellagio (1h 30 min - 2h).

What is best way to travel in Lake Como?

From the villages located in the central area of the lake you can also reach the northernmost villages on the eastern branch, such as Varenna, in a few minutes by boat. But if you want to move along the eastern side (Lecco, Mandello, Varenna, Colico, etc.), train service is probably the best option.

Where does the train drop you off in Lake Como?

Getting there by train Trenitalia run services to Como San Giovanni station, the jumping off point for Lake Como. You can take a Trenord train from Milan Central Station (Milano Centrale) or Milano Porta Garibaldi and get off at Como San Giovanni, Como's main station, or Como Nord Lago.

What is the best train station to get off for Lake Como?

Trains to Lake Como The best way to reach Lake Como is by train: you can take a train from Milan Centrale Station (Milano Centrale) or Milan Nord Cadorna and get off at Como San Giovanni, Como's main station, or Como Nord Lago.