Is there a train from Marrakech to Agadir?

Is there a train from Marrakech to Agadir? There are no trains from Marrakech to Agadir. The buses are operated as an addition to the railway network. Tickets, which do cost 100 DH on most journeys, can be purchased at the railway website - this website is only in French or Arabic. The journey takes 3 - 4 hours.

Is it safe to take the train in Morocco?

Exploring Morocco by train is reliable and comfortable – and perfect also for solo-travelling women.

How many days in Agadir is enough?

Agadir is ideally situated for exploring Southern Morocco, and three days leaves enough time to see the city sights, enjoy the beaches, and venture farther afield. Here's how to spend three days in Agadir.

Where is nicer Agadir or Marrakech?

Marrakech is the place to go for a colourful city break, while neighbouring Agadir is the ultimate destination for laidback relaxation. Marrakech is home to many iconic pieces of Moroccan architecture, and it's a great city to visit to get a historical and cultural understanding of the country.

Can you swim in the sea in Agadir?

It's only safe to swim at Agadir Beach when the lifeguards are working, between mid-June and mid-September. That's also when the weather is warmest.

How much is a tuk tuk in Marrakech?

Prices are reasonable 20-100 dhms for most journeys. You can also hire a tuk tuk for a half day or whole day by telephone.

Which is nicer Agadir or Marrakech?

In terms of population, Marrakech is twice the size of Agadir, so if you are looking for a city with a more intimate feel, Agadir might suit you better. However, if you are looking for lots of things to do and the buzz of a big city, Marrakech would be better.

Is there a Marrakesh Express train?

Our Marrakech Express package is an ideal choice if you who wish to experience the contrast between Morocco's many historic cities; travelling by train offers a fabulous insight into the day to day culture of modern Morocco as well as its famous past and does, of course, come with a much smaller carbon footprint...

Is Agadir Morocco worth visiting?

The city of Agadir is worth visiting to see the largest souk in Morocco and the beautiful recreation of the ancient medina after it was destroyed by an earthquake in the 1960's. In this guide you'll discover best places to visit in Agadir and nearby day trips that you should add to your itinerary.