Is there a pilot database?

Is there a pilot database? Currently, the PRD is designed to comply with portions of the Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 and the Pilot Records Improvement Act of 1996 (the Acts). The PRD provides the following FAA records: Name and current address. Airman Certificate Information.

How do I find a pilot to date?

EliteSingles is one of the best websites for professional singles, which is why pilots are drawn to our dating site over and above others. Our membership is full of dedicated, professional singles who are passionate about their career and struggle to maintain an easy work-life balance.

Are pilots conversations recorded?

The CVR records the flight crew's voices, as well as other sounds inside the cockpit. The recorder's cockpit area microphone is usually located on the overhead instrument panel between the two pilots.

Are FAA records public?

In accordance with the underlying statutory framework (49 USC Chapter 441) and as described in the applicable SORN, the information maintained in the aircraft record is available to the public upon request.

Do pilots date flight attendants?

But truth be told, we're the exception to the rule. While there are many pilot and flight attendant couples, and many flight attendants married or committed to other flight attendants, and many pilots with the same connections with other pilots, several factors have made those connections less likely.

What shows up on a FAA background check?

Criminal Background Check Required
  • Aircraft piracy.
  • Aircraft piracy outside the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States.
  • Armed robbery.
  • Assault with intent to murder.
  • Carrying a weapon or explosive aboard an aircraft.
  • Commission of certain crimes aboard aircraft in flight.
  • Conveying false information and threats.

What is the FAA 6 month rule?

The FAA's regulations require airline pilots to undergo a medical exam with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) every six months to five years, depending on the type of flying they do and their age. Aviation Medical Examiners are trained to determine the pilot's mental health and fitness to fly.

Can you ask the pilot for a picture?

On the ground it is up to the pilot to decide to allow passengers to visit and take as many pictures/post them. Some airlines may have specific policies so be sure to ask the pilot in command (Captain) before taking any pictures or video. Do always make sure the flash is off.

What is the FAA 7 day rule?

(d) No pilot may fly more than 32 hours during any seven consecutive days, and each pilot must be relieved from all duty for at least 24 consecutive hours at least once during any seven consecutive days. (e) No pilot may fly as a member of a crew more than 100 hours during any one calendar month.

Can pilots look at their phones?

A pilot may not use his or her phone for non-flight related tasks during takeoff, landing, or while flying under 10,000. Upon reaching cruising altitude the pilot is free to use their phone at their own discretion. This is, however, the FAA policy so for commercial pilots it may vary company to company.

How far does FAA go back on a background check?

How far back does an FAA background check go? Since 2002, airline pilots and anyone who works airside (those who enter places known as SIDAs or security identification display areas) at an airport must submit their fingerprints for an FBI 10-year criminal history check.