Is there a direct train from St Pancras to Luton Airport?

Is there a direct train from St Pancras to Luton Airport? Yes, it is possible to travel from London St Pancras International to Luton Airport Parkway without having to change trains. There are 208 direct trains from London St Pancras International to Luton Airport Parkway each day. Though there may be fewer direct services available depending on your exact departure date.

What train line is London to Luton?

A Thameslink train connects St Pancras International station in London to Luton Airport Parkway. Before St Pancras, the train stops at Farringdon, City Thameslink, London Blackfriars and Gatwick. An East Midlands train service runs along the same line but only from London St Pancras International station.

Do a trains go directly to Luton Airport?

Regular trains to London Luton Airport from your station The Luton Airport Express runs from Corby down to Luton Airport Parkway every half hour. From Luton Airport Parkway you can connect to the new Luton DART which will take you directly to the terminal in just 4 minutes.

How early should I get to Luton Airport?

When to arrive. While there's no need to arrive any earlier, we recommend you always arrive at the airport as advised by your airline - typically 2-3 hours before your flight.

How to buy train ticket in Luton Airport?

Otherwise, you can always buy train tickets at the airport when you arrive, either from the kiosk in the Onward Travel Centre in Arrivals or from the train ticket vending machines, situated near the exit.