Is there a cure for yellow fever now?

Is there a cure for yellow fever now? No specific treatment exists for yellow fever, which is one reason that preventative measures such as vaccination are so important. Supportive treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms, and includes rest, fluids, and use of medicines to help relieve fever and aching.

Do most people survive yellow fever?

About 15% of symptomatic patients will develop severe disease. Most will recover, but after a bout of yellow fever, full recovery may take weeks or months. In most cases, there is a reversal of the liver and renal dysfunction. Death occurs in 30% to 50% of patients with severe disease.

Can I travel to Africa without yellow fever vaccine?

South Africa requires a valid International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) documenting yellow fever vaccination =10 days before arrival in South Africa for all travelers aged =1 year, traveling from or transiting for >12 hours through the airport of a country with risk for yellow fever virus ...