Is the water deep in Bora Bora?

Is the water deep in Bora Bora? Within the lagoon (where 100% of the overwater bungalows in Bora Bora are located), depths range from 5 feet to 150 feet, with 5-10 feet being most common.

Are the sharks in Bora Bora safe to see?

The vast majority of the time, sharks in Bora Bora are not dangerous. The two most common shark species that people swim alongside in Bora Bora are the blacktip reef shark and the lemon shark.

What place has the bluest water in the world?

Maldives. The area known as the Maldives is 99% clear, blue waters and just 1% land.

Can you swim in the water at Bora Bora?

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Is Bora Bora at risk of tsunami?

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Are there mosquitoes in Bora Bora?

Due to the island's location in a region where the Aedes mosquito is common, there is a high risk of contracting Zika there. The mosquitoes that spread the virus grow in areas with standing water, and Bora Bora's numerous lagoons and pools make for excellent mosquito breeding grounds.

Where is the bluest water in the US?

1. Blue Hole – Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Approximately a two-hour drive from Albuquerque, the sapphire cenote is located in eastern New Mexico in the middle of a desert oasis.

Can you drink tap water in Bora Bora?

Drinking water:
You can drink tap water in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and in all the international resorts. It is usually fine in family hotels and in the other islands but we recommend that you ask your hosts for confirmation.

What should I be careful of in Bora Bora?

There are many sharks in Bora Bora, although attacks on humans are rare. Still, it's best to steer clear of them, as well as Bora Bora's stingrays and barracudas. Wear reliable foot protection whenever you're in the ocean to fend off injuries from stonefish, urchins, and the coral itself.

Are there snakes in Bora Bora?

So when Captain James Cook and early settlers came to the island, they misheard the words of the natives, which eventually led to the rest of the world referring to it as Bora Bora. There are no poisonous insects or snakes on Bora Bora.

What makes the water so clear in Bora Bora?

1. Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Home to a multitude of luxury resorts on stilts above the water, Bora Bora attracts tourists from all over the planet looking to get an eyeful of clear, turquoise waters. The fine white sand surrounding the island accounts heavily for the clarity and color.

What language do they speak in Bora Bora?

The languages spoken in Bora Bora are Tahitian and French. However, due to the high tourism population, many natives of Bora Bora have learned to speak English. Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its seaside luxury resorts.