Is the Road to Hana treacherous?

Is the Road to Hana treacherous? In general, the Road to Hana is not dangerous as long as you're following the rules and paying attention.

Is the Road to Hana one of the most dangerous roads?

The most dangerous road in Hawaii is commonly considered to be the Hana Highway (also known as the Road to Hana) on the island of Maui. The Hana Highway is a narrow, winding road that spans approximately 64 miles along the northeastern coast of Maui, with over 600 curves and dozens of one-lane bridges.

What is the best day of the week to go to Hana?

Experience tells me that a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are probably best - mainly because there is LESS traffic to deal with. The Road to Hana is one of THE most popular drives on Maui, and while you cannot “escape” the traffic, the heaviest times are the beginnings and endings of the week, generally…

How long does it take to drive the Road to Hana without stopping?

Of all the great road trips in the U.S., Hawaii's coastal Road to Hana is among the most scenic. The 64-mile route on Maui connects the towns of Kahului and Hana. It only takes about three hours from point A to point B if you don't stop — but stop you must, as the sights along the way are part of the adventure.

Are there mosquitoes on the Road to Hana?

East Maui (ie. Road to Hana, Hana town) is very wet, jungle-like, and forested, so mosquitoes are more abundant there. DEET-based mosquito repellent works well, but I don't like the poisonous chemicals involved, so I prefer citronella candles or citronella-based mosquito repellent wrist bands.

What do you wear on the Road to Hana?

Cozy footwear is a must. Flip-flops are the best for the beach but don't forget to bring sneakers and socks for Hana hiking. Further, we suggest wearing a swimming suit under your clothes. Maui's hiking tracks usually lead to hidden lakes and stunning waterfalls – mainly along the Road to Hana.

Is it safe to drive Road to Hana alone?

Yes, you can certainly drive the Road to Hana on your own. However, if you'd like some extra guidance on your trip, a driving guide from Action Tour Guide will make for the perfect travel buddy. Driving the Road to Hana is a thrilling and breathtaking experience.

Is Road to Hana dangerous at night?

That said, preparation is key to enjoying a drive around the back side of Maui. Make sure that you have plenty of gas—at least half a tank when leaving Hana. Driving this road at night can be dangerous, and is pointless since you miss the expansive views. Keep an eye out for free-range cattle on the road.

Do you need a special car to drive the Road to Hana?

Rent something reliable that gets decent gas mileage. We sometimes see massive SUV's driving the road to Hana, which is weird to us. Unless you have a really big family, choose a mid-sized car.

Is it worth staying in Hana for a night?

A one night stay is absolutely worth it. It gives you the opportunity to not feel rushed on your journey and you can make as many stops as you want. Plus, you get the chance to do activities on the route home, like the Pipiwai Trail or the 'Ohe'o Gulch.

How much time should I allow for the Road to Hana?

The 64-mile route on Maui connects the towns of Kahului and Hana. It only takes about three hours from point A to point B if you don't stop — but stop you must, as the sights along the way are part of the adventure.

Does the Road to Hana have guardrails?

On the back road to Hana you'll drive along some dirt roads, over cliffs with rusty guardrails and along narrow coastal roads.

Is it better to drive the Road to Hana or take a tour?

This depends on what type of traveler you are and how much time you have. If you'd rather not drive, and you want a guide you can ask questions to, a Hana van tour is the best option. If you want a little more control over where you go, and you want to do your own research, driving is your best option.

Do you get carsick on Road to Hana?

Tip 2: Take nausea medicine. I have a friend who took medicine before going on the Road to Hana and her group still had to turn back because she got so sick. Getting motion sickness is pretty common along this fairly wind-y road so if you can prepare in advance, that will help immensely.