Is the Masai Mara malaria free?

Is the Masai Mara malaria free? Due to the high elevation of Masai Mara and Nairobi, Malaria is very rare in these regions since mosquitoes do not live at those elevations. However, Malaria is prevalent in other regions of Kenya, so it is strongly recommended that you speak with your physician about taking Malaria prophylaxis before traveling.

Is Kenya safari malaria free?

However, there are occasional incidents thought to be attributed to infected mosquitoes that arrive there on a bus from a lower-lying destination. A Kenya safari focussing solely on Nairobi, the tree hotels, and Laikipia would thus be borderline malaria-free, but a slight risk would still exist.

Is it safe to travel to Masai Mara now?

It is not a blanket ban and the majority of Kenya is safe to visit. In fact, thousands of American tourists visit Kenya's incredible wildlife areas like the Masai Mara, Samburu, Amboseli and Laikipia every year without incident.

Do you need anti malaria tablets for Masai Mara?

Please contact your doctor or travel clinic before coming to Kenya. There is malaria in the Masai Mara and antimalarials are highly recommended. Using mosquito repellent containing DEET and covering up at dusk is also advisable to minimize the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.

Where in Africa is malaria the worst?

Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Niger account for about half of all such fatalities. Nigeria alone had 31.3% of the world's malaria deaths in 2021. Malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes infected with plasmodium, a single-cell parasite.

Can I wear shorts in Masai Mara?

In general clothes to carry for safari in Masai Mara national reserve include pair of socks, long sleeved shirts, shorts, trousers, chinos and many more.

Are there mosquitoes in Masai Mara?

However, due to the high elevation of Masai Mara, Malaria is very rare since mosquitoes do not live at those elevations. Although Malaria is sparse in this region, it does exist.

Should I take anti malaria tablets in Kenya?

Malaria Precautions There is a high risk of malaria in the rest of Kenya, so you need to take antimalarial tablets in addition to using insect repellent and avoiding mosquito bites if you are travelling to these high risk areas.

How safe is Masai Mara?

It is very safe to travel to the Maasai Mara. The park is hours away from Kenya's urban regions, where safety is more of a concern, and is properly patrolled by well trained Park Rangers and animal Wardens. The Masai Mara is one of the safest parks in Kenya to visit for a safari, for the reasons listed below.

Is Kenya safe for American tourists?

Kenya Travel Advisory. Although there is a long-standing travel advisory from the US State Department, it relates to very specific and strictly non-tourist areas – mostly in the distant east of the country. It is not a blanket ban and the majority of Kenya is safe to visit.

What is mosquito season in Kenya?

In general, mosquitoes are much more prevalent during Kenya's rainy season and heading to higher ground Laikipia or the Aberdares, for example, is best advice if you want to avoid irritating bites.

Can you go to Kenya without yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever vaccination certificate required for travellers aged 1 year or over arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.

Should I take malaria pills before going to Africa?

You should begin taking antimalarial tablets before arriving in a malaria-risk area as guided by your travel health professional. Some tablets need to start a few days before you travel, whilst others may need to be started a week or more before travel.