Is the Eden Project the biggest greenhouse in the world?

Is the Eden Project the biggest greenhouse in the world? The Eden Project, near St Austell, Cornwall, UK, consists of two giant transparent domes ('biomes'), the larger of which (the humid tropics biome) stands 55 m (180 ft) tall, covers 25,390 m² (273,295 ft²) and has a total volume of 415,730 m³ (14.681 million ft³).

Is Eden Project the largest greenhouse in the world?

Eden Project is situated in 160 year-old former clay mine at Cornwall, UK. This is a garden that houses more than 1 million plants and it is considered by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest greenhouse in the world.

How big is the Eden Project in Cornwall?

A day at Eden is a real adventure. The indoor Biomes and the gardens outside cover roughly 30 acres and take about four hours to explore. The site is brimming with facilities to make your visit easy and enjoyable.

Where are the biggest greenhouses in the world?

The Eden Project, near St Austell, Cornwall, UK, consists of two giant transparent domes ('biomes'), the larger of which (the humid tropics biome) stands 55 m (180 ft) tall, covers 25,390 m² (273,295 ft²) and has a total volume of 415,730 m³ (14.681 million ft³).