Is the Delaware River salt or fresh?

Is the Delaware River salt or fresh? While the entire tidal river is part of the estuary, salinity levels vary from the Delaware Bay (saltwater) to Wilmington, Del. (brackish) to Philadelphia, Pa. and Trenton, N.J. (mostly freshwater).

Is the Delaware River clean?

For its size, the Upper Delaware River contains some of the highest water quality in the eastern United States. The upper portion of the watershed remains largely forested. These forests act as a natural buffer against pollution and erosion by filtering water, which is very important for maintaining water quality.

Can you eat mussels from the Delaware River?

However, today, because of historical pollution and the ability of some mussels to accumulate environmental contaminants it is not advised to consume freshwater mussels.

What happened to the Delaware River 2023?

On March 24, 2023, the Trinseo Altuglas chemical plant in Bristol, Pennsylvania in the United States had an equipment failure that resulted in a leak of between 8,100 and 12,000 gallons of butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and methyl methacrylate into Otter Creek, a tributary of the Delaware River.

What is the dead zone on the Delaware River?

The dead zone on the river ran from Philadelphia to about 25 miles down river in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. That made it impossible for migratory fish like shad to breed. They would die on their journey upstream before they could lay their eggs in the upper Delaware. Once plentiful caviar and sturgeon also disappeared.

Are there bull sharks in the Delaware River?

There are bull shark occasionally in the Delaware river. One was caught in a net in 1908 basically across the river from where the Philly Airport is today.

Are there any toxic chemicals in the Delaware River?

The chemicals released into the Delaware River include butyl acrylate, a flammable liquid used to manufacture paints, coatings, caulks, sealants, and adhesives. The same chemical was also released into a river in East Palestine, Ohio as a result of the Norfolk Southern train derailment.

Does the Delaware River have fish?

The Delaware River is known for freshwater populations of striped bass, muskellunge, brown trout, yellow perch, and American shad. When you visit New Jersey, be sure to plan a Delaware River fishing trip.

Are there alligators in the Delaware River?

Crocodiles and alligators, of course, are not native to the Delaware River, preferring much warmer climates. Some locals are theorizing that a local pet is on the loose.

Why is the Delaware River so famous?

However, the most famous fact about the Delaware River is the famous crossing of it by George Washington in 1776 which helped him successfully surprise Hessian troops in New Jersey during the American Revolution.

Is the Delaware River used for drinking water?

More than 17 million people get their drinking water from the Delaware River basin, including two of the five largest cities in the U.S.—New York City and Philadelphia.